Due to the overwhelming amount of employment law questions to our firm, Atkins & Markoff would like to provide some basic information via our website. This does not constitute legal advice. Our firm does not currently handle employment law issues and we cannot provide legal advice via phone calls or email at this time.
However, Tom Cummings, Attorney-at-Law, is available to answer your questions. Mr. Cummings is not affiliated with Atkins & Markoff, however, he is available to answer your emails. Please email Tom your questions at:
Oklahoma Employment Law Overview
Most employers are required to follow legal standards related to wages and hours of work, safety and health of employees, and health benefits and retirement standards. However, additional requirements exist for employers who receive federal assistance and employers in specific industries.
Some of the most well-known employment law regulations fall under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which establishes federal minimum wage and pay standards. The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act) is responsible for the regulation of safety and health conditions in most private workplaces. Finally, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) dictates retirement standards for employees.
Other important dimensions of Oklahoma employment law are related to the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and equal opportunity, which is generally overseen by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Employment law is a multifaceted and complex area of practice that involves both federal and state standards. Fortunately, an experienced attorney from Atkins & Markoff can help you navigate the law to obtain the justice you deserve.